For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Serve With Us
God wired all of us differently with unique interests, talents, and skills. Our hopes at Princeton Church is to provide a place for you to use those gifts that God so graciously gave you! There are many opportunities for you to plug in and serve beside other Christians as we are Loving God and Loving His People. Click the button below to plug into a ministry rotation today!

Worship & Arts
The Psalms call us to “Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly!” (Psalm 149:1b) and “Raise a song; sound the tambourine, the sweet lyre with the harp.” (Psalm 81:2) We value Biblical, authentic expressions of praise to God with uncompromising excellence, and an emphasis on congregational worship. The Body of Christ is diverse, but we are united in the Truth of The Gospel of Jesus Christ!

From photography, to livestream, to sound, the Media team plays an important role at Princeton Church! There is a wide variety of areas to serve so no matter your technical experience, we have a place for you to help make a difference locally and globally.

This generation needs YOU! There are so many ways you can help Awaken Students succeed in their walk with Christ. From Small Group Leaders, to Connections Team, to helping financially, you can make a difference today!

Serving in children’s ministry is important and valuable, as we are helping make disciples of Jesus Christ; therefore, we truly value those who serve. With three services on Sunday mornings, 365 Kids Small Groups on Wednesday evenings, and special events throughout the year for children from birth through fifth- grade, there are plenty of opportunities to serve our children here at Princeton Church.

Our Connections Teams have a unique opportunity to be the first impression that someone has of Princeton Church during their Sunday visit. Whether helping in the parking lot, holding the doors for our guests, helping guests find a seat, or or serving breakfast to our volunteers, the heart of the Connections Teams is to connect people to our church.